Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Drug Screening on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells_ as an Effective Form of Treatment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 768 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category Biology Essay Level High school Topics: Stem Cell Essay Did you like this example? Drug screening and induced pluripotent stem cells are still fairly new components in the scientific world but continue to expand as more research is being conducted. Just in 2006 induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) branched off of embryonic stem cells that were discovered in 1998 (6) and since iPSCs lack ethical issues, they have been used to differentiate from stem cells such as from a diseased patient to motor neurons. But are these reprogrammed differentiated cells as reliable as embryonic cells or primary cells dissected out of an infected mouse such as the dorsal root ganglions or Purkinje cells? As there is more to understand about that topic, it is also interesting to explore what exactly to do with iPSCs once they are available which leads into treatment methods. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Drug Screening on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells_ as an Effective Form of Treatment" essay for you Create order Drug screenings are an effective and fast method for testing multiple drugs with different cells in a short time to find which drug has the greatest change but is that the best method to take. Overall, drug screening on induced pluripotent stem cells is an effective form of a method for treatment. 1.What is an iPSC? In 1981 the first mouse embryonic stem cell was created using a mouse model and more than fifteen years later the first human embryonic stem cell was cultured (10). But this form of research has raised ethical issues since this is the beginning of human life and in 2001 a federal funding halt to human embryonic research occurred which then lead to researchers finding new ways to create similar stem cells (9). And in 2006 a team of researchers created induced pluripotent stem cells using a mouse model (11). Just a year later the same group and another team of researchers were both able to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (11). But what is an iPSCs? To break it down, it is best to start with stem cell. A stem cell is defined as, Cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells (12), hence the importance of using these cell types. Now the embryonic stem cells are different from somatic in which it all starts at the embryonic stage where the cells can divide continuously until ready to make a differentiation unlike somatic cells that are more limited (12). Now here is where the problem lays, embryonic stem cells are unavailable to use due being unethical yet somatic stem cells are rare and limited in use until Chin et als research group was able to take somatic cells and reprogram them to be embryonic-like stem cells. The significant problem is how closely related are the IPSCs to the embryonic stem cells and if it is able to take their place in forms of research. 2. Details on drug screenings Around a century ago, drugs have begun to be tested and ever since that research has expanded and will continue to grow (6). There is a lot of history on drug research but one experiment that has saved a lot of time and money has been using a drug screening called high-throughput screening which is defined as, Screening (of a compound collection) to identify hits in an in vitroassay, usually performed robotically in 384-well microtitre plates (5). Since 384-well microtiter plates require little amounts of media, chemicals, cells, and drugs, this gives a higher chance to test more compounds at once. After testing thousands of drugs, some number of compounds should have a meaningful effect on the cells and are referred to as hits or leads (5). Further testing on the hits can possibly lead to finding a compound that benefits the human race which is the end goal. Arguments for the Hypothesis Even though primary animal dissected cells might seem the best way to obtain cells for culturing purposes, they will come from an animal instead of a human which jumps into the human versus animal models for cell culturing. Before jumping right into clinical trials and even animal trials, the first step to test any type of drug or experiment is to test it out on a dish with living cells. Certain cells, such as motor neurons or Purkinje cells are unable to obtain from a human-beings especially with a rare disease such as Ataxia telangiectasia (AT). Using this specific disease, it is a great way to prove iPSCs are a better technique to obtain cells than using animal cells with that similar mutation. Within Gilmore et al.s paper (1), there was a comparison done between the animal model and the iPSCs. The Purkinje cells and the dorsal root ganglion cells in the mouse had similar results to the human cells from iPSCs, found in figure 1 (1).

Monday, December 23, 2019

An Acronym That Stands For Drug Abuse Resistance Education

D.A.R.E. Essay What is D.A.R.E.? D.A.R.E is an acronym that stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. In D.A.R.E. they teach us about how to resist any drug, or something that messes with the way the mind and brain works. We have learned many things throughout the D.A.R.E. program. I am about to tell you what I have learned in D.A.R.E. program, how I have used the D.A.R.E. Decision Making Model, and how I will use what I have learned in D.A.R.E. to make safe and responsible choices. I have learned many things in D.A.R.E. Some of them include how to make safe and responsible decisions by defining and assessing the problems and responding. One of the most important things I have learned in D.A.R.E. is communicating effectively. To†¦show more content†¦If a person consumes too much alcohol, it could lead to a coma and possible death. Alcohol goes straight to your bloodstream and can damage every organ of a person’s body. Tobacco also affects your body in a negative way. Smoking can cause heart disease. The nicotine that is contained in cigarettes and chewing tobacco reduces the amount of blood that flows to the brain. This will cause interference with the way the brain works. Smokers typically have more colds and upper respiratory problems than non smokers. Smoking is also one of the causes of lung cancer. Chewing tobacco can cause mouth cancer, tooth loss, and other health problems. Smoking yellows your teeth and causes bad breath, and can dry your skin and cause wrinkles. I also learned facts about alcohol and tobacco use. There are 75,000 alcohol related deaths each year in the United States. If you mix alcohol with medicine it is very dangerous. Also, since teen bodies are still growing, alcohol affects them more severely than adults. There are more than 200 known harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke. Nicotine is a powerfully addictive substance that is found in cigarettes. Smoking is also the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Did you know more than 400,000 Americans die from tobacco related causes each year. Almost 50,000 deaths per year can be attributed to secondhand smoke. One of the first things we were taught D.A.R.E. was the D.A.R.E. Decision

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Importance of Being Educated Free Essays

I believe that Early Childhood centres should create a positive environment where children are more stimulated, happy, comfortable and safe from harm. Where learning is more meaningful and children can be extended. I believe that children learn in a holistic way through play. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Being Educated or any similar topic only for you Order Now They learn by being actively involved. The process of a child’s work is important not just the results. They learn through stages at their own pace. The adults role in children’s learning is to provide scaffolding for the child’s endeavours, supports and connections, that are removed and replaced when and where they are needed. Adults need to provide a developmentally appropriate programme to cater for all children. There is a need to plan for each child based on their own interests, strengths and needs. The curriculum planning should be based on the principles of Te Whaariki and the knowledge that all children are individuals. I feel that there is a need for Early Childhood Educators to work in partnership with parents/caregivers and Whaanau. This is an essential part of providing the best possible opportunities for children to reach their fullest potential. I recognise that parent/caregivers and Whaanau are the major sources for this knowledge. Which is a very valuable resource for teachers. Therefore there must be a good relationship between centre staff and parents to provide a strong connection and consistency among all aspects of the child’s world. I believe that the uniqueness of each child should be valued. To apply the principle of fairness to all practices within the centre and to avoid discrimination as the basis of culture, gender, disability, religion or class. I feel that all children have the right to attend a centre. I am committed to providing an environment in which every child is enriched by the dual cultures of the treaty partners. I recognise that we are becoming a multicultural society and realise the importance of understanding the diversity that this brings to Early Childhood Education. I believe that Te Reo Maori should be actively included into the centres programme. It is important as an Early Childhood Educator to work as a team member, where each member is encouraged to utilise their own individual skills. There needs to be open and honest communication between staff members to create on effective team. It is also necessary for staff to have common goals and work together to achieve them. I feel that the management of children’s behaviour must be fair and consistent. Teachers and adults must model and promote peaceful conflict resolution methods to enable children to learn and deal with conflict in an appropriate way. I also believe that the development of self-esteem by positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviour is important to safeguard the rights and emotional development of every child at the centre. I believe that it is necessary for teachers to be involved in a continuing process of professional development to keep in touch with the changes that are constantly effecting the Early Childhood Education field. How to cite The Importance of Being Educated, Essay examples The Importance of Being Educated Free Essays I believe that Early Childhood centres should create a positive environment where children are more stimulated, happy, comfortable and safe from harm. Where learning is more meaningful and children can be extended. I believe that children learn in a holistic way through play. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Being Educated or any similar topic only for you Order Now They learn by being actively involved. The process of a child’s work is important not just the results. They learn through stages at their own pace. The adults role in children’s learning is to provide scaffolding for the child’s endeavours, supports and connections, that are removed and replaced when and where they are needed. Adults need to provide a developmentally appropriate programme to cater for all children. There is a need to plan for each child based on their own interests, strengths and needs. The curriculum planning should be based on the principles of Te Whaariki and the knowledge that all children are individuals. I feel that there is a need for Early Childhood Educators to work in partnership with parents/caregivers and Whaanau. This is an essential part of providing the best possible opportunities for children to reach their fullest potential. I recognise that parent/caregivers and Whaanau are the major sources for this knowledge. Which is a very valuable resource for teachers. Therefore there must be a good relationship between centre staff and parents to provide a strong connection and consistency among all aspects of the child’s world. I believe that the uniqueness of each child should be valued. To apply the principle of fairness to all practices within the centre and to avoid discrimination as the basis of culture, gender, disability, religion or class. I feel that all children have the right to attend a centre. I am committed to providing an environment in which every child is enriched by the dual cultures of the treaty partners. I recognise that we are becoming a multicultural society and realise the importance of understanding the diversity that this brings to Early Childhood Education. I believe that Te Reo Maori should be actively included into the centres programme. It is important as an Early Childhood Educator to work as a team member, where each member is encouraged to utilise their own individual skills. There needs to be open and honest communication between staff members to create on effective team. It is also necessary for staff to have common goals and work together to achieve them. I feel that the management of children’s behaviour must be fair and consistent. Teachers and adults must model and promote peaceful conflict resolution methods to enable children to learn and deal with conflict in an appropriate way. I also believe that the development of self-esteem by positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviour is important to safeguard the rights and emotional development of every child at the centre. I believe that it is necessary for teachers to be involved in a continuing process of professional development to keep in touch with the changes that are constantly effecting the Early Childhood Education field. How to cite The Importance of Being Educated, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Crystal Clover free essay sample

My childhood is the crystal clover that hangs from my ceiling. The only remnant she left for me. It casts a long shadow across my walls, cuts my life into sections; her absence left my life tattered, broken. She left as quickly as she came, leaving nothing but a crystal clover to hang in my room. However, in the daytime, when beams of sunlight peek through my window and extend their long arms to grasp onto the clover’s smooth surface, extravagant flashes of greens and blues are sent dancing across my walls, as if the shadows had never existed. The memories become bright and beautiful, her presence lingers, her laughter seeping into the walls, filling up every inch of the room. Though it has not been easy, I have learned to work towards the saying that â€Å"when life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow. We will write a custom essay sample on Crystal Clover or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † I am proud that I have allowed every event in my life to teach me something, to allow me to look back and learn. With this perspective, I have learned to adapt because change is the only constant element in my life. So while I would love to sit and pity myself for the pain I have endured, my time would be better spent by focusing on the simple joy of the life that I have and the growth that could occur because of that. â€Å"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new [†¦] for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.†